Mission Statement
At The Dojo & Fit Club, we help our students to reach their fitness goals through training in the martial arts, we build confidence and leadership skills, and we encourage the development of respect, discipline, and character from every martial artist who chooses our programs.
Vision Statement
The vision for The Dojo & Fit Club is to create an environment where anyone regardless of age or experience can come to learn martial arts in fun and engaging classes that focus on practical and effective self defense skills. Our students are part of a family that supports and encourages the most confident version of themselves. Through mentorship, camaraderie, and the shared ideals of the school, The Dojo & Fit Club helps students to grow stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Company Culture
The company culture of The Dojo & Fit Club is founded in three parts: the core principles of the school, the core principles of the Chittim-Jordan lineage, and the core principles of leadership. The first are the three core principles of the school which are respect, discipline, and character. The three core principles of the Chittim-Jordan lineage are loyalty, ability, and integrity. The next four principles of leadership are communication, ownership, education, and gratitude. These ten ideals form the center of everything involving the business from the curriculum to customer service to what is expected of our students.
The company’s fundamental belief is that every person is worthy of respect without having to first earn it. Therefore, every person should be treated with a level of deference. Students are encouraged to consider the power behind their words and actions in regard to interactions with others not only inside the school setting but also during their everyday life. They should give their full attention to someone speaking to them, be courteous in their speech and behavior, and be appreciative of the gifts of time and effort from others in their lives. In treating others with respect, we teach others how we expect to be treated in turn.
Discipline in the martial arts means learning a pattern of behavior that prioritizes physical fitness and mental fortitude. Making disciplined decisions means defining goals and making steps towards them in small ways every day. Training in the martial arts teaches students the value of seeing ideas through to the fullest potential. Taking on an endeavor as intense as earning a black belt requires an extraordinary amount of time and practice even with natural, raw talent. Like any skill set, Korean karate cannot be mastered without consistent effort. One can even argue that any skill can never be truly mastered as there is always something new to learn.
Students at The Dojo & Fit Club are always expected to show good character. The school defines good character as a person who is responsible, caring, and honest. They have a sense of community and citizenship and act in the best interest of everyone. Students are encouraged to be involved in community events and to volunteer their time to good causes. The Dojo aims to develop leadership skills in our young students and so supports students getting involved in school programs such as student council and other team sports. Learning time management is a large part of learning responsibility.
The Dojo & Fit Club values the loyalty of a teammate to their team and the team’s shared goals. In the martial arts, everyone on the team is striving toward personal achievement. Part of being a good teammate in a martial arts school is to hold each other accountable in their journey toward a black belt. While it is true that each person must earn their own rank, no one has ever achieved greatness without help. Students should push each other to set higher goals while keeping in mind that competition never outweighs companionship. Only together can everyone achieve more.
At its core, The Dojo & Fit Club trains martial artists. The goal for any student should be the mastery of martial skill as demonstrated by the development of the speed, flexibility, and power necessary to perform techniques as well as progression through belt ranks. Students continually strive for physical excellence and improve upon the basics until those techniques reach near perfection. Ultimately, students are expected to be able to perform these skills in front of a panel of black belt judges and earn their black belt.
While having integrity certainly means that a person is honest, living a life of integrity is more than just always telling the truth. The Dojo & Fit Club defines a person of integrity as someone with unshakeable principles. No matter the hardships or temptations a person of integrity faces, they remain steadfast. They do not cave to social pressures to lie or cheat and they always find a way to deliver on their promises. They look for resolutions of conflict that do not involve compromising their moral code and do not take advantage of others involved. They have integrity regardless of whether someone is supervising their behavior.
Communication is the cornerstone upon which every relationship is based. To be an effective leader, proper communication is paramount. True leaders speak only to empower others, giving direction and guidance without allowing excuses nor laying blame. This cannot be achieved without planning. Planning allows leaders to set the course for those in their charge without the confusion of no solid purpose. Leaders who communicate properly do not participate in gossip and they hold secrets in confidence. They are humble enough to apologize when they make mistakes and work quickly to find mutually beneficial resolutions.
True ownership is likely the most difficult leadership trait to develop. For most people, taking ownership of wins or successes is easy, but leaders must also take ownership of near misses, loses, and failure. They must hold themselves accountable for the situation regardless of a favorable outcome. Ownership and discipline are related in that consistency is key and both traits often work hand in hand. Ownership means involvement throughout the planning of a goal and the ability to remain steadfast. Ownership is also finding the right person for the right job and placing them in situations where they can succeed.
Education, like training martial arts, is a lifelong endeavor. While The Dojo & Fit Club certainly supports and encourages formal education, learning is a process that does not simply end with a diploma or a degree. Leaders will continue to learn and grow throughout their lifetime. They are flexible enough in their thinking to consider new ideas and viewpoints and adapt according to new information. A key point of education, especially in leadership, is active listening to truly understand one another. Leaders who value education see all situations as win or learn – losing is simply an opportunity to learn a lesson.
Gratitude in leadership is the ability to recognize and acknowledge the effort of others. True leaders are thankful for the help they receive and can articulate that appreciation to build up those around them. Gracious leaders are compassionate and return kindness with kindness. Even though it is exceedingly more difficult, they also return unkindness with kindness. They are not expectant and to do not coerce others into doing tasks for them. They set goals, work tirelessly toward them, and are thankful for their progress even if the process did not go according to plan.